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Pelvic Organ Prolapse

Pelvic Organ Prolapse - The Trailhead Pelvic PT Way.

Pelvic Organ Prolapse

Finding the proper treatment for pelvic prolapse issues is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Consulting with a pelvic floor specialist can significantly aid in determining the most effective approach to managing or alleviating your symptoms.
We found that relaxing the pelvic floor muscles and not fearing that your organs will fall out can significantly decrease the pelvic pressure feeling at the opening and be a good start at improving your symptoms.
We recommend that people with a small prolapse also seek a therapist to learn to prevent it from worsening later.

Definition of pelvic organ prolapse:
Pelvic organ prolapse (POP) is when your muscles, ligaments, and fascia lose their ability to keep your organs in place, and some tissues and organs glide downward. This can happen to several organs, including the bladder, uterus, small bowel, or rectum.

Symptoms of pelvic organ prolapse:
Some people have minimal symptoms; others report significant discomfort, including difficulty with bowel, bladder, and sexual function. If extreme, surgery may be needed. A common complaint is increased pelvic pressure or feeling your organs slipping out. This feeling can be distressing and can lead people to clench all day. Some may feel afraid to exercise or lift heavy objects and are frustrated due to the need for more information online to help them. Individuals with prolapse typically do not report experiencing pain.

Trailhead Orthopedic and Pelvic Floor Evaluation:
Our primary goal is to find the underlying cause of your prolapse and its impact on your daily life. We want to address all your concerns and identify all the factors contributing to your condition to create a comprehensive plan that works for you and your body.

Trailhead Organ Prolapse Treatment:
Discover how to improve pelvic floor awareness and learn strategies to protect your pelvic floor during daily activities and exercise. We also teach toilet and breathing strategies. Dr. Sunel teaches you to work WITH your body while appreciating the body's healing capabilities. We may use manual therapy, like visceral manipulation, to help your organs move freely.

Getting you back to a quality life:
We use graded exercises to load your muscles safely, increase strength, balance, and coordination, and teach strategies to prevent regression and build resilience. We want you to be able to move with confidence, not feel your prolapse all day long, and know precisely what you can do when to keep your body safe.

Examples of whom we may see:
We help pregnant ladies seeking to learn how to move in such a way as to prevent and potentially decrease the degree of prolapse after giving birth, as well as those who have already developed prolapse postpartum. Additionally, we help people experiencing hormonal changes, including pre-and menopause, those who struggle with defecation (rectocele or rectal prolapse) with a history of past constipation and straining, and those who experience urine leakage due to prolapse. We also welcome those who perform heavy lifting in their sport or job and want to prevent prolapse by learning effective pressure management strategies.

Call Dr. Sunel Vanderwalt at Trailhead Pelvic & Visceral Physical Therapy to schedule! 505 357 0055

Article: Smith, Taryn A. PA-C; Poteat, Tamara A. PA-C; Shobeiri, S. Abbas MD. Pelvic organ prolapse: An overview. JAAPA 27(3):p 20-24, March 2014. | DOI: 10.1097/01.JAA.0000443963.00740.4d

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